Turn fat and small veins off

A small but powerful handpiece capable of generating, through a fixed frequency sine wave, controlled heat within the skin tissue: ideal for the removal of telangiectasias and for the treatment of localized fatty deposits.
OFF – fractional flow waves devastate local fat and exempt establishments painlessly and permanently the patient from spider veins
In the field of soft surgery the news is pleasant for every one of us who care to improve or correct unsightly spots on the face or body, such as spider veins and excess fat .
As described by Dr. Sotiris C. Tsioumas (Hand. Ophthalmologist-Master Aithitikis Medicine National Tor Vergata University of Rome and member of the group of Prof. Fippi), the particular medical device OFF allows the selected fat tissue destruction zones anywhere in the periocular area (bags on the eyelids), facial or body in general and treatment of telangiectasias.
For evreiangeies technique acts in centripetal direction with respect to the flow of blood within the vessel. Place the proper bit for the size of the vessel without “scratch” at the skin minimum in the vessel path. In this way is achieved the connection of the capillary to be emptied of blood, allowing to achieve immediate results.
The results from the first session (maximum second) dramatically: immediate disappearance of the vessel without hyperpigmentation. After the session the patient can go overboard and be exposed to the sun without any problem.
In the case of local lipolysis results are equally impressive. In the periocular region, if vlepharochalasis presence of fat in the upper or lower eyelid, the OFF, under high temperature conditions (controlled) and electricity (specific frequencies) acts locally to the fat, leaving the field open for the next stage of sublimation of excess skin (not fat anymore) with Plexr. The results of treatment are shown (maximum) to fifteen days, and three days later, the urine analysis shows the presence of palmitic acid and other data confirm lipolysis achieved.
In other frequencies and similarly marked remarkably found anywhere in the body required lipolysis treatment.
Today, thanks to this new technique of fractional flow waves machine is totally autonomous, as simply fed with batteries and cures telangiectasias, causing pressure walls and emptying the blood containing avoiding creating traces of their procedure. The safety, efficacy and accuracy makes the technique extremely helpful to problems like those mentioned.