What is Needle Shaping?
It is a microsurgical technique capable of increasing the volume of the skin in areas such as the lips, cheeks and generally the whole face
without the addition of exogenous other materials. It also has great results in body tightening in difficult areas such as arms, inner thighs, knees, buttocks.
What do we need?
Small acupuncture needles and vibration device. The apparatus produces three stream types, which increases its effectiveness. This stream is tolerated by the patient except for very sensitive.
How is the technique?
Is placing acupuncture needles on the face or body in the places we want to be treated. Treatment means collagen and wrinkles filling the skin tightening without material, ie without hyaluronate or filaments. With this technique we can make autologous yarns. Ie yarns with our own collagen.
Mechanism of action. With the help of acupuncture needles can wrap the collagen and elastic fibers, so that these points form more tissue volume.