Why should you choose a Phibrows Artist?
Phibrows artists produce great work because they follow a very specific method that is taught to them through a rigorous 6-month training course. This course requires the artist to pass 11 levels of mastery to ensure that their methods and their work maintain a very high standard… the Phibrows standard.

The Phibrows method and tools have been meticulously designed and redesigned to aid their trained artists in producing very precise hairstrokes, perfect symmetry, and a beautiful eyebrow shape that goes with the natural shape of their client’s face and bone structure.
Phibrows products have also been tested and redesigned again and again to ensure the highest quality, to avoid any dangerous heavy metals found in most permanent makeup pigments and to provide color that stays.
It is for these reasons and more, that if you want great results with your microblading treatment, it is highly recommended that you seek out a Phibrows artist.
What is Microblading?
Microblading is a form of cosmetic tattoo where pigment is implanted under the skin with a manual handheld blade tool. The technique results in the most natural looking semi-permanent eyebrows imaginable. Microblading originated in Asia over 25 years ago and it can also be referred to as, microstroking, micropigmentation, eyebrow emroidery, eyebrow feathering and 3D eyebrows. Microblading is a safe, non-invasive procedure that produces semi-permanent results.
Before Your Appointment
Microblading results create gorgeous eyebrows, however, the procedure is not recommended for everyone. To prevent any complications related to your overall well-being and to ensure your skin is in the best possible condition, please review the suggestions and requirements below.
- Avoid all alcohol and caffeine 24 hrs. before the procedure to prevent excessive bleeding.
- Please be advised that women on or near their menstrual cycle have a tendency to bleed a bit more during the procedure than women who are not. In addition, numbing agents also seem to not take as well to women who are menstruating. If you wish to avoid this please let us know.
- To prevent excessive bleeding, avoid taking blood thinners like aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, or ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure. Tylenol or acetaminophen are great substitutes for pain relievers.
- Avoid waxing or tinting 3 days before the procedure.
No Anti-aging/Filler treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after the procedure. - No chemical peels 60 days before or after the procedure. Chemical peels will induce your skin to peel prematurely and (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin)
- No Retinols/Retin-A, anti-aging/acne creams, or serums containing acids as these will fade brows prematurely if used during the first 30 days in your healing process.
- Avoid sweating excessively the day of your procedure and during the first week during the healing process.
- Avoid heavy sunlight or UV lights 3 days before your procedure. If you do tan regularly, skin should be fully healed the day of the procedure.
During Your Appointment
The average microblading appointment usually takes about one and a half to two hours from beginning to end. The steps for a microblading appointment are listed as follows:
Before and after pictures are a great way to see your brow transformation, so we snap a few quick pictures of your eyebrows before getting started and then a few more after the procedure.
Discuss colors, shape and the problem areas you wish to address. There is heavy emphasis placed on understanding your expectations and helping you understand what results are possible through microblading.
Brow Shaping
Shaping eyebrows correctly is the foundation to getting perfect eyebrows. Using what is called the golden ratio, your facial features, and some measuring, we draw the perfectly shaped eyebrows for your face directly on your skin for you to see.
Before moving forward, the artist ensures you are completely happy with your brow shape and expectations of the procedure. Please speak up during this time if you wish to make any adjustments or if you have any questions or concerns.
A topical anesthetic is applied to ensure pain is not an issue. Most clients feel little to no pain during the procedure. For those super sensitive clients, we offer an additional anesthetic during the procedure to ensure that you are comfortable.
While your skin is numbing you’ll review and sign consent forms, followed by completing a brief medical history to ensure the microblading procedure will not interfere with your overall well-being.
Using a microblade tool, the artist cuts hair-like stokes into your skin while implanting a plant-based pigment to give you the brows you’ve always dreamed of.
Aftercare Instructions
After the procedure, the artist will provide you with a take-home aftercare package that includes your aftercare instructions, the barrier cream you will need during your healing process and we will schedule your touch-up appointment four to six weeks later.
Microblading post-care is very important to the appearance and longevity of your new eyebrows. We recommend GENTLY washing the tattooed area for 3 days, 3 times a day with lukewarm water and a disposable paper towel, gauze or cotton round. NO SOAP. Pat the area dry and apply a THIN layer of the barrier cream that has been supplied to you. Keep it out of the sun throughout the healing process. Do not apply ANY cosmetics in this area and avoid sweating for AT LEAST 10-14 days. Keep the area clean and let it breathe!
The following must be AVOIDED 14 days post-microblading procedure:
- You may shower or bathe normally, but avoid getting any soaps, shampoos or other cleansers on the treated area for the first five days as they can be detrimental to the bonding process that must take place for the pigment to stabilise in the dermis.
- Soaking your face underwater in a bathtub or allow the shower to spray directly in your face.
- Increased sweating
- Swimming
- Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi
- Sun tanning or salon tanning
- Using Vaseline, Neosporin or other petroleum based products while healing.
- Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment. IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It may appear as though the tattooed area has completely disappeared. Within 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates.
- UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading
- Apply any anti-acne products (e.g. Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Proactiv, etc.) or lightening creams (skin bleaching creams) such as hydroquinone to the treated area while healing.
- Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the face or neck
- Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
- Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab.
Healing Process
TRUST THE PROCESS – Healed microblading results are the most beautiful and natural looking way to enhance eyebrows, but the path leading to those anticipated healed results can be a little daunting. In addition to following the microblading aftercare instructions, understanding the microblading healing process is essential to avoid undue worry and stress while going through the different stages of healing. Please note everyone heals differently so the timeline below is just a general guideline.
Day 1
– Eyebrows look amazing immediately after microblading appointment
– Pigment gradually gets darker throughout the first day
Week 1
– Pigment reaches darkest level on day two
– Light scabbing develops where microblading strokes occurred. IMPORTANT: Once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It may appear as though the tattooed area has completely disappeared. Within 1-2 weeks, the hair strokes will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates.
Week 2
– Scabbing from microblading strokes begin to peel and flake off, sometimes revealing no definite, visible color in skin
Week 3
– Pigment in skin continues to oxidize and microbladed strokes begin to reappear in color intended from the beginning, but some strokes come back looking patchy
Week 4-6
Eyebrows fully healed and ready to undergo the finishing effects of the touch-up appointment
– Beautiful eyebrow enhancement/transformation is complete after final touch-up
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns during your healing process.
What is microblading?
Microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattoo that involves using tiny needles (instead of a tattoo gun) that make up a small blade that deposits pigment under your skin. This technique is often used on the eyebrows to create extremely fine natural looking hair strokes.
Is microblading painful?
The application can be a little uncomfortable for those who are more sensitive. However, there is an anesthetic applied during to keep this to a minimum to where it is completely tolerable.
How does microblading work?
The pigment is applied with a specific tool that has a row of several fine needles to create thin hair like marks in the skin. The artist will choose needles and the blade type accordingly. The pigment is bladed just below the epidermis and the shallowest part of the dermis, creating extremely fine natural looking hair strokes as a result.
How permanent is microblading?
Microblading is referred to as semi-permanent makeup as it does not wash away, however pigments are designed to fade over time and will require touch ups. Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster) and sun exposure can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. For best results it is recommended that you follow our aftercare instructions and touch-up your tattoo every 6 months to a year (or as needed). Touch-ups are normal and expected for cosmetic tattoo procedures.
Do I need a consultation prior to my microblading appointment?
No, but we do offer a 30 minute consultation if you wish to tryout an allergy patch test, discuss colors, shapes and/or the problem areas you would like to address. We suggest an allergy pigment patch test for individuals who have high skin sensitivities or are allergic to topical makeup products, metals or hair dyes.
What if I am taking a blood thinner?
Little bleeding is normal. Excessive bleeding, caused by blood thinners or a health problem, pushes the pigment out as quickly as it is being implanted. The artist will ensure a medical history form is completed in order to vet clients for contraindications. If you are on a blood thinner daily regimen, please contact your physician prior to booking your appointment. Prescribed medication is an absolute contraindication, in other words, permanent makeup should not proceed.
I tend to get cold sores. Will it affect the procedure?
Please make sure you take your anti-herpes medication like Valtrex or Zovirax to help prevent cold sores two days before your appointment.
Can I keep my own eyebrow hair?
Of course. Once you and the artist have decided on the best eyebrow shape, any hair within that shape can stay and will only make the work look more natural. Any hair outside the shape can be waxed or tweezed just as you would normally do with your normal brow maintenance. Any tweezing, tinting or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior procedure.
Should I clean up my eyebrows before my appointment?
No need, we prefer that you let them grow in as much as you can. We will take care of the rest.
What will I look like right after the treatment?
Eyebrow and lip treatments tend to look darker in color immediately after the appointment. This will soften in a few days. Lips are likely to have some residual swelling and can chap.
Are activities restricted during the healing period?
It is important to avoid saunas, facials, steam baths, activities that will result in extreme sweating, tanning salons, sun and chlorinated or salt water pools for a minimum of a week and preferably two weeks after the procedure.
Why are pigments so intense when first implanted?
Like wet clothing is darker before drying, pigments look brighter and darker immediately after they are implanted into the dermal layer of the skin. Increased blood flow to the treatment area is one reason for the more intense colors. Another is that the pigments are made up of liquefied powder particles. During the first couple days into your healing process, the body gradually absorbs the liquid allowing the pigments to return to their original dry condition.
What happens during the touch-up?
The touch up is recommended 4-6 weeks after initial treatment. During your touch up, the artist will fill in missing hairs, add or make hairs longer or just achieve a darker color.
How safe is microblading?
Microblading is considered a safe procedure, according to The American Academy of Micropigmentation. We follow the strictest sanitation and safety standards when handling our single-use sterilized needles, disinfect our tools and treatment room before and after every appointment and apply barrier film to protect all surfaces from contamination during a procedure. By conducting our procedures in this manner we feel that our clients’ health and safety have been safeguarded to the highest standards. After leaving, it is then the client’s responsibility to care for the procedure strictly adhering to the post treatment instructions, assuring normal healing and the prevention of an infection.
Are there any pre-existing conditions that interfere with consideration for a microblading treatment?
• Pregnancy
• Breastfeeding (treatment is possible, though anesthetic will not be possible)
• On keloids or if you have tendency to keloid, birthmarks or moles.
• Diabetes
• Serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders (doctor’s note is required)
• Circulatory disorders (doctor’s note is required)
• Any bleeding disorders (doctor’s note is required)
• You’re taking blood thinning medication
• Currently on Accutane or other strong retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)
• If any skin diseases symptoms or irritation appears on the area.
• You’ve recently had Anti-aging or Disport treatment (must wait 2 months)
• You have a broken capillary in the eyebrows area
• If you have a sunburn.
• After waxing (must wait 3 days)
• After chemical peels (must wait two weeks)
Could I be allergic to the pigment?
Allergic reactions to pigments have been reported, but they are very rare. If you have other skin sensitivities, we recommend an allergy patch test to safeguard against allergic reactions to pigments or topical anesthetics. Unlike body tattoos, which are made using carbon based ink; cosmetic tattoos are made using iron oxide based pigments. These pigments are safe to use and are created to slowly fade over time. The pigments we use do not contain organic material (i.e. vegetables) as these have a higher risk of causing allergic reactions. Final determination is the responsibility of the client. Please book our consultation appointment or contact us if you would like to schedule your allergy patch test.
I have and existing cosmetic tattoo done elsewhere, can you fix it?
If you have an existing cosmetic tattoo please email us with a few close-up photos so we can determine if we can help.
What if I don’t like the design or color after the procedure?
We believe that communication is key and unless you are completely happy we do not proceed. During the procedure, you are ultimately the one in control of both of these important decisions. The artist starts by using what is called the golden ratio, your facial features, and some measuring, to draw the perfectly shaped eyebrows for your face directly on your skin for you to see. Following the measurements, you will be provided with several pigment colors to choose from, all of which are complimentary to your skin tone. And lastly, you will have multiple opportunities to direct the path as the procedure is happening. It is vital that you approve of all design work (color & shape) before the artist proceeds. The most common issue is with slight patchiness. This sometimes does occur and is easily adjusted when you come in for your follow-up visit in about 4-6 weeks.
Why are future touch-ups necessary?
Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster) and sun exposure can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. Also, changing health conditions, smoking, medications, anti-aging products, and hormonal changes all can have an effect on your pigment retention. You should keep your follow up visit since it helps prolong your investment. For best results it is recommended that you follow our aftercare instructions and touch-up your tattoo every 6 months to a year (or as needed). Touch-ups are normal and expected for cosmetic tattoo procedures.
Do the results change for different types of skin?
Yes they do. Skin cells turn over more frequently on oily skin types causing the color to fade quicker than drier skin types resulting in more frequent touch-ups. If you have oily prone skin we suggest exfoliating up to 7 days prior to your appointment for best results.